MRI Review Service
Whether you live across the country, or around the globe, you can have access to world renowned sports-medicine surgeon, Dr. Christopher Ahmad! Dr. Ahmad specializes in shoulder, elbow, and knee injuries. As the team doctor for the New York Yankees, he has particular expertise in sports medicine and overhead athletes.
Baseball players seeking a second opinion can send their MRI scan to Dr. Ahmad for him to review. Dr. Ahmad will personally review and interpret your MRI scan, and offer his expert opinion on treatment options.
To have your MRI scan reviewed, please mail your MRI disc to the below address and fill out the patient intake form below.
Patient intake form:
Mail to:
Dr. Christopher Ahmad
622 W 168th St,
PH 11-18
New York, NY 10032
Please reach our office at 212-305-5561 or at [email protected] with any questions.